Thursday, December 30, 2010

Follow my Book Blog Friday

Hosted by Parajunkee's View:
Hi welcome to Follow Friday! Let me tell you what is going on today. For New Years we are having a light can choose to join in if you would like, but I know that everyone is going to be super busy. I didn't want to stop it, in case people were banking on me having one, but I don't have a feature for today. I will ask a question though? WHAT ARE YOUR NEW YEARS BOOK BLOGGING RESOLUTIONS?

My book blogging resolutions are as follows:

  • Post more regularly
  • Comment more when I visit blogs
  • I hope to continue to bring honest and interesting reviews for my followers
  • Learn more about HTML


  1. Hi there! I'm a new follower ♥

    I need to work on commenting more when I visit blogs, as well! I'm just so darn lazy when I visit other peoples' blogs. I'm much more of the lurker type. :P Good luck on your resolutions!

    Have a Happy New Year! ♥
    Kristina @ Frazzled Book Nommer

  2. New follower, hopping through! Have a wonderful New Year!


  3. Great Goals. I'm a new follower from the hop stopping by to wish you a Happy New Year!

    ~Inspired Kathy
    I Am A Reader, Not a Writer

  4. Hoppin on by,new follower! Good luck with your resolutions!
    I need to comment more on those I stalk as well instead of just lurking in the shadows.
    Have a wonderful and safe New Years!

  5. Hopping through. I want to comment more too.
    New follower!
    Happy New Years!
    My Hop

  6. New follower. Wishing you a lovely New Year darling.
